Raceto100 – A React App (Beta)
Ever since I started learning about React, I have wanted to build something meaningful and full-stack applications. But the complexity of understanding the concepts pushed me this far to launch an app that is completely built in React. Earlier, I built this game app purely in vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and some front-end libraries such as Tabulator and ChanceJs. Now, the same app has been completely rewritten in React with added capabilities such as authentication, data persistence with the help of Google Cloud’s Firebase, and individual player profiles.
The app is mainly targeted at kids as a trivia game. The goal is to see who will have a better chance of reaching the target number by rolling the dice. In this react version, I have introduced a way to roll dice automatically instead of requiring a player to click on the button. It is a fun game for kids. It will be more fun if the app allows remote players. It’s coming up. At this time, the app is in the Beta state. That means it is continuously getting updated. There is no guarantee that your data will be backed up or stored permanently.
- Single user mode
- Players can create accounts
- You can play without an account
- Play with Robot
- Players can update their username, email, and password while logged in
- Players can delete their accounts completely
- Players can set up their profile pic (avatar or own uploaded pic)
- View scores of other players
- Player dashboard with game stats
It is a opensource app. If you wish to contribute to the development, here’s the GitHub link to explore further.